Bound Poses are a big part of my personal practice. I do not teach them often in my classes as the usually require more flexibility and patience than is often found in a public classroom. They also require an extra level of care in spotting and should generally only be explored in great detail with highly calibrated partners in very safe and sober circumstances.
A bound pose is defined by having some component of the pose being bound into a position which makes movement out of the pose slow and cumbersome. This means that when you fall out of bound poses you are far more likely to injure yourself or your partner as your reaction time is devoted to unbinding the pose rather than coming down safely. You can think of a bound pose as shibari without the ropes. (For all my friends who are serious aficionado of shibari this was a joke!)
Following are some links to some of my favorite bound poses. Be careful and use proper spotting if you wish to explore these. If you are interested in hiring me for a private lesson in exploring this type of work reach out to me and we can arrange something.
- Garbha PindasanaOne of my greatest joys is finding ways to support those around me. Nicola is one of those. This young woman has had a huge effect on me since we met. Always a pleasure. Always very deep with her. She introduced me to Garbha Pindasana. I love it and wanted to lift her! #yoga #yogaeverydamnday #acroyoga #acro #play #playla #patience #playeveryday #rawmovement #strength #socalyogis #strikeapose #strengthproject #ashtanga #garbhapindasana
- Lotus FlowsWorking on lotus flows as often as possible. It's a safe reasonable alternative to the acroshibari stuff which has gotten so popular lately. Try it out. You might love what you discover. This one here is with the lovely @emplays #acroyoga #acro #strength #balance #trust #yoga #yogateacher #fitness #fitfam #socalyogis #socalyoga #westsideacro #whereiacro #acrorevolution #deepmonkeystyle #deepening
- Yoga NidrasanaFoot to hand with Erica @erica___claire Amazing what can be done with strength, communication, & trust. #foottohand #balance #strength #trust #patience #deepmonkeystyle #westsideacro #acroyoga #acro #muchlove #prettyflyer
- Bird of ParadiseBird of Paradise with @orkah. Yet another bound pose as part of my exploration of intimacy and communication with my partners. #acro #acrolove #acroyoga #acromillion #playla #strength #balance #yoga #yogateacher #socalyogis #socalyoga
- Flying KurmasanaLook! @erica___claire is so comfortable she's fallen asleep. Use a spot. This stuff is dangerous. #prettyflyer #acro #acroyoga #westsideacro #deepmonkeystyle #patience #trust #strength #balance
- Inverted PindasanaThis one is very dangerous. Use a spot. This will fail directly onto the neck of the flyer and could result in paralysis if you do not take this pose seriously. Be warned. This is a neck balance. The flyer is being held and is lifting directly off of the C7. My hands are cupped and together like I am holding a liberty. This neck balance, a modified pindasana, comes from Ashtanga and is dope as can be. It's a glorious pose to balance. Use a spot. Work this out very carefully. #deepmonkeystyle #ashtanga #play #yogaeverydamnday #yoga #yogateacher #acro #acroyoga #westsideacro #fitness #fitfam #fit #strength #socalyogis #strengthproject #trust #balance #beastmode #pindasana