Tag Archives: westside acro

Garbha Pindasana - AcroYoga w/ Chris Filkins

Garbha Pindasana

One of my greatest joys is finding ways to support those around me. Nicola is one of those. This young woman has had a huge effect on me since we met. Always a pleasure. Always very deep with her. She introduced me to Garbha Pindasana. I love it and wanted to lift her! #yoga #yogaeverydamnday #acroyoga #acro #play #playla #patience #playeveryday #rawmovement #strength #socalyogis #strikeapose #strengthproject #ashtanga #garbhapindasana…

Bicycle Spinner

Little thing I have been playing with lately with Leah. I call this bicycle spinner. Leah is the young lady I wrote Scorpion Heart with several years ago. We were separated for a good long time but starting to explore again with each other. So nice to have her back in my life. So emotional these types of partnerships get. I have been thinking a lot about this lately. Such a fascinating topic. How we bond with those whom which we partner. Been thinking a lot about how to speak about these things. I’m sure I will have something else to share on this soon as I never seem to shut up. ? #acrolove #acroyoga #deepmonkeystyle #westsideacro #acro #footjuggling…