Tag Archives: westsideacro

Don't Be Stupid. Be Creative

AcroYoga in LA – Stupid Washing Machine

Westside Acro is back yet again with another round of training on Friday night at Laughing Frog Yoga. This week Ashley Witham & Christopher Filkins will be exploring a machine designed for ballet dancers. But you don’t need to be a ballet dancer to do it! It’s a really fun and very fast spinning little piece of love which everyone will find great satisfaction in mastering. Our well designed set of calibrations will have you spinning fast and having a blast before the class is over.…

Bicycle Spinner

Little thing I have been playing with lately with Leah. I call this bicycle spinner. Leah is the young lady I wrote Scorpion Heart with several years ago. We were separated for a good long time but starting to explore again with each other. So nice to have her back in my life. So emotional these types of partnerships get. I have been thinking a lot about this lately. Such a fascinating topic. How we bond with those whom which we partner. Been thinking a lot about how to speak about these things. I’m sure I will have something else to share on this soon as I never seem to shut up. ? #acrolove #acroyoga #deepmonkeystyle #westsideacro #acro #footjuggling…

Inverted Pindasana - AcroYoga w/ Chris Filkins

Inverted Pindasana

This one is very dangerous. Use a spot. This will fail directly onto the neck of the flyer and could result in paralysis if you do not take this pose seriously. Be warned. This is a neck balance. The flyer is being held and is lifting directly off of the C7. My hands are cupped and together like I am holding a liberty. This neck balance, a modified pindasana, comes from Ashtanga and is dope as can be. It’s a glorious pose to balance. Use a spot. Work this out very carefully. #deepmonkeystyle #ashtanga #play #yogaeverydamnday #yoga #yogateacher #acro #acroyoga #westsideacro #fitness #fitfam #fit #strength #socalyogis #strengthproject #trust #balance #beastmode #pindasana…