Reverse Hollow Back on Hands A year ago today I shared this pic of @moderntarzan Nicholas doing a beautiful reverse hollow back on hands with me. Since then Nicholas has become a worldwide phenomenon of awesome. He deserves it. Truly a sweet guy. His ideas about movement are to me some of the most interesting out there in a field of fascinating movers. I'm proud as can be of all he's accomplished and will in the future. And as you can see from the photo here I'd like to think I supported him along the way. #gratitude #socalyoga #socalyogis #movement #yoga #balance #trust #strength #beast #power #acro #acrolove #acroyoga #pose #hollowbackhandstand #hollowback #handstand#whereiacro #calisthenics #power A photo posted by filchyboy (@filchyboy) on Nov 3, 2015 at 7:48am PST Share: Twitter Facebook Google+ hollowback, modern tarzan, moderntarzan