Category Archives: Bound Poses

Garbha Pindasana - AcroYoga w/ Chris Filkins

Garbha Pindasana

One of my greatest joys is finding ways to support those around me. Nicola is one of those. This young woman has had a huge effect on me since we met. Always a pleasure. Always very deep with her. She introduced me to Garbha Pindasana. I love it and wanted to lift her! #yoga #yogaeverydamnday #acroyoga #acro #play #playla #patience #playeveryday #rawmovement #strength #socalyogis #strikeapose #strengthproject #ashtanga #garbhapindasana…

Inverted Pindasana - AcroYoga w/ Chris Filkins

Inverted Pindasana

This one is very dangerous. Use a spot. This will fail directly onto the neck of the flyer and could result in paralysis if you do not take this pose seriously. Be warned. This is a neck balance. The flyer is being held and is lifting directly off of the C7. My hands are cupped and together like I am holding a liberty. This neck balance, a modified pindasana, comes from Ashtanga and is dope as can be. It’s a glorious pose to balance. Use a spot. Work this out very carefully. #deepmonkeystyle #ashtanga #play #yogaeverydamnday #yoga #yogateacher #acro #acroyoga #westsideacro #fitness #fitfam #fit #strength #socalyogis #strengthproject #trust #balance #beastmode #pindasana…